July 2017

DP World Limassol: New terminal starts operations

A new modern terminal designed to accommodate the largest operating cruise vessels started on Wednesday, July 5, at DP World Limassol port. The new terminal consists of seven pods with an internal area of 7,000 square meters and along with 24-hour availability the terminal offers integrated services including Home Call and Day Call handling capability, ensuring an improved customer experience.

DP world Limassol has a draft of up to 11 metres (tide free) and three 400 metres berths that can accommodate cruise vessels. It is third addition to the cruise terminal portfolio that DP World operates globally, after cruise terminal operations in Mina Rashid, Dubai and Quinquela Martin, Argentina.

Limassol is one of the major destinations in the Mediterranean for the cruise industry with the opportunity to be the first port of call for cruise lines after transiting the Suez Canal. The terminal offers fast turnaround times for connections to both Larnaca and Paphos international airports. With favourable weather conditions throughout the year, cultural heritage, excursions and events all through, Cyprus and Limassol present the opportunity for a memorable experience. 

Charles Meaby, General Manager, DP World Limassol commented: “With the opening of this new terminal, all our visitors will enjoy an even more impressive welcome. DP World Limassol continues to promote the development of tourism in Cyprus and driving economic benefits for the local and national economy”.

Mr. Meaby continued, “This is an exciting time for Limassol and Cyprus and DP World Limassol is focused on delivering a long-term legacy creating employment opportunities and helping Limassol reach its potential of becoming a fully-serviced home port for cruise ships”.

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