About Us

The Limassol Chamber of Commerce & Industry was established in its present form in 1962 and represented the first concerted effort of the Limassol business community to have an organisation to defend its interests and promote the economic development of the Limassol district.

From its very inception the Limassol Chamber of Commerce & Industry has played a leading role in the economic life of Limassol, either by operating as a pressure group towards the realisation of vitally important economic projects or by developing concrete initiatives of its own in that direction.

Starting as far back as the early 1960s, the Chamber has played an instrumental role in the pursuit of projects fundamentally important for the economic and social development of Limassol. Not least of these were the Limassol Industrial Estates, the Limassol port which is to this day the largest of its kind in Cyprus. the Kourris dam, the marina, and the Cyprus University of Technology.

It was also the Limassol Chamber that conceived and implemented, again in the early 1960s, the idea of the Wine Festival, which has come to be associated with the modern history of Limassol as an event of commercial, tourist and cultural interest.

Over the years the Limassol Chamber has continued to be at the forefront of initiatives aiming to achieve optimum economic development for Limassol. In that context it has expressed keen and active interest, among others, in road projects,  the Techno Park as well as in a series of tourist infrastructure projects, such as the conference centre, the casino and others.

Primary objectives

The fundamental objectives of the Limassol Chamber of Commerce and Industry are the following:

  • To defend and promote the interests of its members, in the context of the overall economic development of Limassol
  • To promote economic activity in the context of contributing to the economic and social development of Limassol and facilitating the opening of new business opportunities for its members.
  • To contribute towards the decision making process of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry which has a consultative say in the formulation of Government policy.

170 Franklin Roosevelt, 3045 Lemesos | Cyprus

Tel. : +35725855000 | Fax : +35725661655 | Email : info@limassolchamber.eu

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