July 2017

E-shops: The legal framework

The Limassol Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with the LCEducational institute recently co-organized the seminar, ‘’Internet Legislation and Electronic Transactions’’. The basic objective of the seminar was to brief Chamber members on the legal framework governing the operation of e-shops, in line with European Commission regulations that companies are called upon to comply, with immediate effect. 

Attendees were briefed in detail on the ways of addressing e-shop-related commercial disputes, in line with recent amendments to existing legislation. Specific reference was made to the obligations of traders as well as to the rights of the consumers when it comes to online sales and purchases. 

The programme, which was hosted at the premises of the Limassol Chamber, was an opportunity for participants to find ways of attracting new customers, in addition to meeting the expectations of current ones, in light of the fact that internet and e-shopping represent a leading innovation of our era and making optimum use of it is to the benefit of merchants and consumers alike.

Ahead of the convening of the seminar a minute of silence was observed in memory of Limassol entrepreneur Panicos Michaelides, who had proposed the holding of an educational programme on e-shops and who, by tragic irony, a mere 24 hours before it was held.

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