September 2023

The importance of surveying staff opinions and perceptions

These days many colleagues in the field of human resource management face challenges, both in finding new talent and in retaining existing ones. As the competition between companies increases and as professionals constantly find different opportunities, the above two challenges will grow. At the same time, companies, regardless of the sector in which they operate, invest large sums and conduct research to collect information about their customers' preferences, the way the market is moving, future need and a lot of other available data. It seems inconceivable to them not to have such data in their possession, which along the way is used to adjust strategies, create tactics, choose a way to penetrate the market, etc.

Many times, however, they forget to collect data and information about the people who are responsible for all of the above and work in their companies. Are they happy with the work environment? Do they feel proud of the company they work for? What would keep them in the company long-term? Do they get feedback on their work? Do they see growth prospects? Is there communication? Do they feel they are contributing to a greater cause? Research shows that the companies that stand out conduct regular surveys of staff opinions and perceptions and orient their actions on three axes: 1) creating a better working environment, 2) creating trust within the organization at all levels and 3) developing companionship, cooperation and teamwork.

Such surveys help companies understand how their employees feel. Creating a sense of security and anonymity during such surveys are very important elements so that employees can answer honestly about any questions asked. These surveys help HR professionals develop their case for what needs to change in the company. They help them draw up concrete action plans, which have an impact on what has been recorded in the survey. They have a first-class opportunity to involve the heads of all departments in these actions, since the effort must be collective and universal. At the same time, any such effort must be supported by senior management so that there is a commitment to a better tomorrow.

In itself, the act of conducting a survey on staff opinions and perceptions shows a company's interest in hearing the views of its employees. After the research, however, the effort must be capitalized through transparency procedures regarding the announcement of the results and regarding the commitment to actions according to the results. Another important element is the materialisation of such surveys every year in order to have a comparative result but also to look for comparative results within the market on the same questions. Finally, many times at the end of such surveys, there is a strong will to change the "bad", those for which the stakeholders have given comparatively lower scores. This is normal, but at the same time I would say that we should never forget all the good things that a company is credited for, and constantly try to strengthen them.

Emilios Rotsides, Business Consultant

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