January 2023

Limassol Smart Water Supply Network in the making

The procedures to create the Limassol Smart Water Network have been initiated by the city's Water Board, with a €13 million grant from the EU, through the Recovery and Resilience Fund. As the Water Board Socratis Metaxas told "Entrepreneurial Limassol", €12 million will be allocated to secure at least 80 thousand smart water meters, for the installation and operation of which a tender has already been announced. Mr. Metaxas pointed out that there is great interest in the Competition, which ends at the beginning of February, both from Cyprus and abroad.

Furthermore, €600 thousand will be allocated for the installation of sensors in the Water Supply network, so that the Board receives immediate information on quality characteristics of the water as well as on technical data, such as flow and pressure within the network.Mr. Metaxas pointed out that with the installation of the sensors, it will be possible to receive continuous information both on important water quality parameters (chemical and microbiological), and on technical characteristics such as water pressure and flow. The Tender for the purchase and installation of the sensors is expected to be announced shortly.

An amount of €50 thousand will be spent on the installation of infrastructure for the creation of a Control Room at the Water Board central offices. Also, there will be funding of €350 thousand for the development of software that will monitor and process the huge amount of data that the Control Room will receive.

Mr. Metaxas pointed out that it will be possible to take measurements from the water meter of each building every hour, and from each sensor that will be located at specific points of the water network every five minutes. The software, after processing this huge amount of information, will provide timely notification of important events in the various areas served by the Limassol Water Board. According to Mr. Metaxas, the implementation of the project is expected to begin by the end of the year, and should be completed by the middle of 2026, in order to disburse the money from the EU.

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