November 2020

A new field of study at Limassol's Post - Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training – Culinary Arts

The purpose of the Diploma in Culinary Arts is to train students in the professional knowledge and technical skills required for a successful career start in the food industry. Students will be trained in modern and classical methods and techniques applied in the culinary arts. Combined with practical experience, they will receive a comprehensive vocational training to be able to work in key jobs. The program offers a balanced vocational and technical education through the classroom learning process, the extensive practical application of knowledge and skills in the laboratory and industrial training, so that students can cope with the challenges of a changing and growing profession. 

Students will also delve into the subject and practical skills needed for professional food production and cooking, hot and cold cooking, material identification, cutting and processing, nutrition and food science, bakery and confectionery and food preparation for special events and banquets. The structure of the program follows the trends of the industry and the needs of the market in an effort of direct employment and successful integration of students in the labor market. Graduates will be able to work in various food-related businesses, restaurants and hotels.

Graduates of the Culinary Arts program will be able to apply and utilize basic technical skills, professional skills and knowledge to take up key jobs in the kitchen. Graduates, through the application of the knowledge they will gain in the classroom, practical training from work courses and industrial experience, will be able to produce and list various types of menus, cold or hot dishes, as well as basic breads and pastries. Graduates will moreover be in possession of the classic and modern cooking methods and techniques and will know the taste profile of the customers. Skills in human resource management, kitchen and restaurant operations and customer care will help graduates provide high-quality services, understanding the changing needs of customers and following good workplace practices. 

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will be able to:
- Possess the necessary skills and knowledge to manage food hygiene and safety in the kitchen.
- Possess professional and technical skills in the culinary arts and set quality criteria in relation to the operation of the kitchen.
- Apply modern or classic methods and techniques of producing cold or hot dishes.
- Understand the importance of food design and development and its impact on both the cost of food and beverages and restaurant profitability.
- Recognize the importance of materials technology, food science and nutrition in the production of food.
- Prepare classic or modern delicacies for banquets or special events.
- Have basic knowledge in human resource management and restaurants.
- Assimilate a quality culture of hospitality and food production in order to provide excellent customer service.

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