CRAFT50+ Project - Digital enabler for aging craftspeople’s business

Starting in May 2021 and with a duration of 2 years, the European project "CRAFT50+" aims to improve the business skills of European professional craftsmen aged 50 and over, with the main purpose of training and supporting their digital transition. The financial crisis of 2008-2014, as well as the prolonged health crisis due to Covid 19, were the main negative factors that led the craft industry to a major recession, with a loss of income and a high rate of unemployment. This is especially true for European regions with weaker economic and social preparedness to deal with such crises. Traditional handicrafts are produced through human-centred professions and are an important part of local culture, culture and economy, also contributing to the circular economy.

Therefore, the main goal through the implementation of the project "CRAFT50 +", is the maintenance and development of craft professions and the strengthening of access to craft products. It is emphasized that in many cases the craft companies provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities and special needs, providing the possibility of social inclusion. It is noted that the project is also supported by the Limassol Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Considering the characteristics of the craft industry, through CRAFT50+ the abilities and skills of craftsmen from different partner countries (Italy, Portugal, Romania, Bulgaria, Belgium, Cyprus, and Georgia) will be recorded, analysed, and understood. Through this analysis, relevant initiatives, and activities, pushing craftsmen to more creative, technological, and digital practices needed to enhance their work are expected to be developed. At least 42 craftsmen will participate in the project activities, following a co-construction methodology and 18 craftsmen from all over Europe (3 per partner country) will have the opportunity to participate in a training seminar in Romania in October 2022. Also, 230 stakeholders (30 per partner country) will participate in information events about the actions and deliverables of the project and how they can be helped by them.

In the framework of the implementation of "CRAFT50 +" a guide for professional craftsmen will be created which will include two types of instructions: initially the information about the existing support and craft organizations in each partner country, and secondly, practical information on how to grow businesses, tools available and digital tools to be implemented. Also, training seminars will be organized to support craft enterprises with the participation of at least 6 craftsmen over 50 years of age per country, especially from rural areas. Arts and Crafts Toolbox: creation of a manual that will bring together the skills developed by the craftsmen who participated in the project and ways of application, in order to inform the various forms of crafts that exist in Europe, offering knowledge to all interested parties and in particular younger generations.

For more information and how you can benefit from the project, please contact Mr. Viktoras Iordanou, representative of the CRAFT50+ project and our Partner in Cyprus MAGNETAR LTD at the email

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Grant agreement n.2020-1-IT02-KA227-ADU-095006

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